Editors Note: This is the sixth of a series about the 36 (not 26 as earlier published) Chinese Buddhist temples of the Philippines. Much of the information is from a thesis of Venerable Chuanmiao (Hsuan Chuang University, 2008), a Buddhist monk affiliated with the Thousand Buddha Temple in Quezon City. 6. Hwa Chong Temple (華藏寺)Northern […]
Author: Ari C. Dy, SJ
First published in Tulay Fortnightly, Chinese-Filipino Digest 25, no. 3 (July 10-23, 2012): 8-10. Quintin Paredes is more than a street name in Binondo. This name, which replaced that of Rosario, belonged to a lawyer, statesman and senator who had a prominent hand shaping Philippine history. Quintin Paredes was born on Sept. 8, 1884 in […]
Bamboo an emerging industry
A trip to a neighborhood lumber store in Pasig City reveals a growing array of wood available for new structures. Amidst the display of native narra, ipil, imported maple and oak, sit the delicate, light-colored bamboo floor planks. The bamboo looks so different from those commonly seen in traditional native huts, furniture, scaffoldings, and lechon […]
Beautiful bamboo in Los Baños
Bamboo has been hailed as the new super material, with over 1,500 uses identified so far. The global bamboo industry is estimated to be worth about US10 billion a year. “With Mount Makiling standing guard with its majestic hue and Laguna’s placid waters lending splendor to the view . . .” That is from a […]
Editors Note: This is the fifth of a series about the 36 Chinese Buddhist temples of the Philippines. Much of the information is from a thesis of Venerable Chuanmiao (Hsuan Chuang University, 2008), a Buddhist monk affiliated with the Thousand Buddha Temple in Quezon City. 5. Holy Buddhist Temple (觀音寺)150 N. Domingo St., Cubao, Quezon […]
The iPad ate my dad
Toward the end of 2011, the hubby said that he was going to buy an iPad, but I kept vetoing it. But at the close of 2011, someone gave my mom one. And it all went downhill from there. Early 2012, the husband started a comic strip line – iDad comics – just for our […]
10 safety precautions on cell phone use
Anti-cancer advocate Dr. David Servan-Schreiber leads 20 expert doctors to warn against possible dangers of prolonged cell phone use. The group says preliminary evidence from the Interphone study and others show a possible link between cell phone use and brain tumor occurrence. The Interphone study (from year 2000 to 2006) is the largest to look […]
Editors Note: This is the fourth of a series about the 36 Chinese Buddhist temples of the Philippines. Much of the information is from a thesis of Venerable Chuanmiao (Hsuan Chuang University, 2008), a Buddhist monk affiliated with the Thousand Buddha Temple in Quezon City. 4. Hai En Temple (海印寺)2443 Severino Reyes St., Sta. Cruz, […]
Batas Kasambahay: boon or bane?
The new Batas Kasambahay or Domestic Workers Act (Republic Act 10361) is one of the hottest topics in households these days. What has been an informal employment arrangement has been defined and given legal structure by lawmakers. There is general agreement that protection for the nation’s estimated two million or more household helpers is necessary. […]
This is the third of a series about the Chinese Buddhist temples of the Philippines. There are around 36 in different parts of the country. Much of the information is from a thesis of Venerable Chuanmiao (Hsuan Chuang University, 2008), a Buddhist monk affiliated with the Thousand Buddha Temple in Quezon City.—Ed. 3. Che Wan […]