Tsinoy Culture

Mourning, the Chinese way  

First published in Tulay Monthly, Chinese-Filipino Digest 1, no. 6 (November 13, 1988), p. 10. November 1, All Saints’ Day, the day when we revisit the dead. The endless miles of people trekking to the cemeteries and parks is an all-too familiar scene. The Chinese cemetery situated in La Loma is no exception. On this […]


My ghost story

First published in Tulay Fortnightly, Chinese-Filipino Digest, November 1-14, 2016 | vol. 29, No. 11 | Do you believe in ghosts? I didn’t use to, but now I have to admit that I do. I think back to the big ancient house in Santol that my grandparents lived in, where Japanese soldiers were reportedly killed, […]