
Food waste 101

A 2019 short video by reporter Gönna Ketels said more than 13 million Filipinos cannot eat three meals a day. However, abundant food for the growing middle class in the Philippines also meant an abundant 2,000 tons of food – or more – ending up in the garbage yearly, in Metro Manila alone. One of […]


Is your heart healthy for Valentine’s Day?

It is the day of hearts once more, which is another opportunity to discover the state of health of our one and only heart. Let us love our heart and give it the best of what is necessary to ensure its health and well-being. So, here is an advisory for a healthy heart every Valentine’s […]


The reviving of Jones Bridge

Having lived in Binondo all my life, I have seen Jones Bridge go through many changes. But I have never seen the bridge as popular as it is now, thanks to the renovation work commissioned by Mayor Francisco “Isko” Moreno. In the past, people were usually busy just getting across, but now they stop, take […]


Who is my neighbor?

“…Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” – The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus as found in the Statue of Liberty, New York City Passport – check. […]


Fruits that heal, part 2

The Philippines is abundant with fruits all year round. There is no reason for a Filipino not to eat a piece of fruit during every meal. I encourage everyone to make eating fruits or drinking fresh fruit juice a daily meal habit. For those already in the habit, have you ever tried to be a […]


Another year ends

We ended 2019 with a few perennial concerns with the girls, and yet thankful for a relatively good year. We greet the new year with cautious optimism: cautious because things do not seem to be looking good for this country. Optimism because I’m finally putting my head in gear and applying to do my doctorate. […]


A review of year 2019

A whirlwind of events, disasters, political controversies, drug war issues, deaths of prominent personalities, and earth-shattering news swept the country. 2019 SEA Games. The country successfully hosted the 30th Southeast Asian Games despite last-minute issues and glitches at the start of its preparations. The Philippines also won the most medals – 140 golds, 117 silvers […]


They don’t know what they’re missing

When we planned to have children, my husband, Orvin, wanted just one. I negotiated for two. We come from very different households. I was an only child for almost nine years and looked forward to weekends at Guama’s (maternal grandmother) house because my cousins would be there. There were fights, but I don’t remember any […]


Rizal’s post-racial nation

In 1887, Jose Rizal described his fellow ilustrados as “young creole men of Spanish descent, Chinese mestizos and Malayans.” Despite the racial differences, Rizal stressed, “we all call ourselves Filipino.” This reveals something important about being Filipino: it is a decision to be one. To be Filipino is not about belonging to a “Filipino race.” […]


Advent wreath, candles symbolize anticipation of Christ’s birth

Although the symbolism of the Advent wreath and Advent candles is more clearly seen in Europe and Northern America, they can also be meaningful to us. In northern countries, plants and trees shed their leaves as winter approaches. It is the season of the Advent and Christmas, when nature looks bare and lifeless except for […]