
Buhay Zero-Waste

I recently joined a FaceBook group called Buhay Zero-Waste, where members share how they try not to waste, or if unavoidable, waste as little as possible. Members there are on different stages of their journey, so the support for those starting out on the movement is quite awe-inspiring. As I read through the posts, I […]

Gems of History

Emperor learns from farmer

In April 1434, Ming Emperor Zhu Zhan Ji (朱瞻基, 1426-1436) accompanied the Empress Dowager to the Chang Mausoleum (長陵) and Xian Mausoleum (獻陵) to pay homage. On their way home, when they reached the suburb of Chang Ping (昌平), Zhu saw common people along the roadside tilling the fields. He got off the horse and made […]

Tsinoy Beats and Bytes


They acted like criminals who could not work in broad daylight. The Department of Public Works and Highways, with orders – we learned much later – from senior government officials, illegally removed a seven-foot bronze sculpture under the cover of night on April 27. The comfort woman statue, a symbol of arrogance, brutality and shame […]


Breaking the silence of the Lolas

She died without receiving the justice she had long fought for. She died without getting assurance that her sacrifices in coming out to tell her story was not in vain.Lola Rosa Henson was one of the thousands of women in the Philippines forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II.Other […]


Eat meat only twice a week

Eat meat sparingly – maybe as seldom as twice in a week. This health advice can be taken in two ways. First, there are people who eat so much meat that this puts them at risk for heart disease, obesity and stroke. Second, there are some people who are strict vegetarians and thus may lack […]

Idioms...Hokkien style

When words fail, use idioms… Hokkien style (63)

Hokkien, on the tongues of Tsinoys, has grown and evolved, taking on a life of its own. Sometimes words simply fail us. With some creativity, Tsinoys have strung together words to form colorful phrases that simply hit the bull’s eye. Here are some expressions unique to Hokkien as favored by Tsinoys. 錢毋趁, 豬哥做馬騎 tsin mm […]

Gems of History

Chinese coolies in the Philippines

When the Americans occupied the Philippines in 1898, they also encountered the Chinese problem. To know the situation of the Chinese in the Philippines and help it formulate policies toward the Chinese, the first Philippine Commission created by US President William McKinley conducted a series of hearings to which it invited resource persons to share […]


Comfort women statue petition gains momentum

Our online petition for people to sign our manifesto elicited 1,000 plus signatures. Here is a selection of their reactions from all over the world: This is another injustice to the Filipino “comfort women”. only a handful are still alive, but they have not yet gotten their demands for official apology from Japan, recognition in […]


Traveling with Babies 101: A first-timer’s version

My husband and I had a plan: take a family trip abroad when our little one turned one. We were confident we could handle a 1-year-old baby on board a plane. I researched extensively about babies and planes. There are many horror stories about screaming babies on planes. A family friend shared that one time, […]

Idioms...Hokkien style

When words fail, use idioms… Hokkien style (62)

Hokkien, on the tongues of Tsinoys, has grown and evolved, taking on a life of its own. Sometimes words simply fail us. With some creativity, Tsinoys have strung together words to form colorful phrases that simply hit the bull’s eye. Here are some expressions unique to Hokkien as favored by Tsinoys. 人吃米粉 你喊燒 lang tsia […]