
Mira Nila

One reason I love visiting historical houses is the fact that I always learn something from the visits. By carefully studying their architecture, the houses’ interiors and contents, the lives of the people that lived there and the times they lived in can be discerned. Such was the case when I recently visited Mira Nila […]

Soul of China

Zhang Sheng: a patriot beyond compare

A fter conquering the Liang (梁) capital, Jian Kang (建康, now Nanjing), Liang’s renegade general Hou Jing (後景) sent an army led by military superintendent Hou Zi Jian (侯子鑒) from the middle army to besiege Wu Xing (吳興) prefecture in September 549. Wu Xing’s defending army was small, its fighting capacity weak. Its mayor, Zhang […]

Tsinoy Beats and Bytes

Water woes

The sight of water pails lined up in long rows that snake through blocks of houses, waiting for the water tanker or the fire trucks to fill them up, isn’t new. We’ve seen a lot of this during water service interruptions, especially in the summer. The difference this time is that it’s happening even before […]

Kidnap Watch

Casino-related crimes cause alarm

Crimes related to casino or online gambling are on the rise. They no longer just result in torture and extortion but also in kidnapping, suicides and outright homicide and murder. The incidents are rising because the victims rarely cooperate with authorities to pursue the case and punish the perpetrators. Thus, in many of these cases, […]


Food as medicine

D o you have high blood pressure? Ideal blood pressure is 120 over 80. And high blood pressure means you have a blood pressure more than 140 over 90. By shifting to a whole food plant based diet (WFPH), plus regular walking of 30 minutes to one hour a day and seven to eight hours […]


PACS: Promoting PH-China relations through the years

This June, we commemorate the 34th year of our diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. Since 1975, there have been a lot of positive developments in our improved relations. Economics and trade agreements, science, technology, cultural and people-to-people exchanges have enhanced cooperation and better understanding between our two countries. In recent years, a […]


Chinese sources on the Philippines: New narratives on PH-China relations

For several generations, general understanding on precolonial Philippines has always been viewed from the perspectives of scholars, chroniclers, and historians of its erstwhile colonial masters: Spain and the United States. Recent scholarly studies on ancient Chinese sources and new discoveries of accounts on China by Spanish priests reveal new and alternative insights on the Philippines […]


Xavier School holds its inaugural TOXSA

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys to will unlock the door to personal excellence.” — Confucius The true measure of an academic institution’s greatness can be found in the achievements of its alumni. Xavier School, a Jesuit Catholic college preparatory school, is […]

Student Page

‘The Great Wall’ according to university students

Disclaimer: This article deals with the somewhat sensitive issues of interracial dating and cultural issues based on race. If this topic is offensive to you, I encourage you to keep reading to be in the know about students last Valentines’ Day. If you absolutely can’t tolerate the above, then skip the article. I have written […]


Little entrepreneurs

You know you’re Tsinoy when you have to work at your family’s tiamkhaw (store) on weekends and in the summer… for free! These days, not all Tsinoy kids work 100 percent at the tiamkhaw. Many work at dad’s or mom’s office checking email, answering the phones, checking inventory. My parents are both teachers so there […]