The Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God’s Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SMIC-ITCM) applications for the second batch in the Acupuncture Training Program starts in January 2018.
Students of the first batch are set to finish the acupuncture training program in December, but those who wish to continue with the traditional Chinese medicine program can proceed to the fifth trimester in January 2018.
SMIC-ITCM is the first and only TCM school of global standards in the Philippines, which started in September 2016. It is run by the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Concepcion of the Mother of God.
SMIC has a rich and long tradition of involvement in education throughout the world. The congregation’s mission statement is Sharing Mission in Compassion.
SMIC-ITCM aims to provide training programs to uplift the practice of Chinese medicine. The courses provide in-depth knowledge on various facets of Traditional Chinese Medicine and develop skills for competency in TCM practice.
It offers comprehensive training program in TCM and comprehensive acupuncture training program.
The acupuncture program consists of four trimesters and can be finished within one to one and a half years including the clinical internship, while the TCM program can be finished in three years after completing nine trimesters, including the four trimesters from the acupuncture program.
It is necessary to finish the acupuncture program first to qualify to proceed to TCM.
The four-trimester acupuncture and the nine-trimester TCM programs offer training that is equivalent to the international standards of a graduate degree course. The curriculum of each program is patterned from those of TCM schools in America.
The programs are registered with Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care. SMIC-ITCM students are under the instruction and guidance of faculty members who are practitioners with long experience and are renowned experts with masteral and doctoral certificates and/or degrees from the Philippines, USA, China and Taiwan.
For inquiries, please call 374-0000, 0917-3051405 or email [email protected].
SMIC Institute of TCM to accept applicants for second batch beginning January 2018