
18 food for losing weight (part 2)

In the previous article, I discussed the first nine food that can help you lose weight. These are vegetables and salads, grapefruit, apples, pears, bananas, eggs, beans, vinegar and tofu.
Here are the remaining nine healthy food on our list:

10. Green tea. Green tea contains an antioxidant called catechins, which may help you lose weight. The results of a Japanese study showed that men who drank green tea mixed with oolong tea had significant weight loss and lower LDL (or bad) cholesterol levels.
According to Kevin C. Maki, PhD, “Catechins increase metabolism and the rate at which the liver burns fat.” Drink 2 cups of green tea a day and drink within 2 hours of preparation. Choose the non-caffeinated variety to lessen any side effects, like heart palpitation.
11. Brown rice and wheat bread. The high fiber variety of rice and bread can make you feel fuller. Studies show that whole wheat products help control weight, prevent type-2 diabetes, and reduce cholesterol levels.
A large study from the Harvard School of Public Health analyzed 200,000 adults for up to 22 years. The researchers found out that eating brown rice or other whole grains can lower diabetes risk by as much as 36 percent.
You can gradually introduce brown rice and wheat bread to your diet. Do it slowly to avoid getting stomach upset and diarrhea.
12. High-fiber cereal. In a study conducted by the VA Medical Center and the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, researchers gave the participants either a high-fiber cereal or the usual cereal.
The results showed that those who were given the high-fiber cereal ate less food during their next meal. When you buy cereals or bread, look for the key words “whole wheat” and “whole grains” in the package.
13. Oily fishes like sardines, tilapia, mackerel and salmon. These fish varieties contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are not only good for your heart, but it can make you feel fuller.
A study from Iceland reported that people who ate salmon felt more satisfied compared to those who didn’t eat fish. Researchers believe that food high in omega-3 fatty acids increase the body’s levels of leptin, which is a hormone that tells our brain that we are already full.
The study’s findings have been corroborated by other studies, which showed that eating a fatty fish meal can make you feel fuller two hours after the meal. Try to eat oily fishes three times a week.
14. Low-fat milk and yogurt. Milk and milk products have protein, vitamin B and calcium. You can opt to buy the low-fat variety that gives you fewer calories and is friendlier to your arteries. Choose fat-free, one-percent fat, or low-fat dairy products.
However, some people experience diarrhea and upset stomach with milk. These lactose intolerant individuals can try eating yogurt instead. Compared to regular ice cream, yogurt has fewer calories and less sugar. A small cup of yogurt yields only 70 calories.
A small study from the University of Washington in Seattle showed that eating yogurt makes one feel less hungry, compared to drinking fruit juices and other sugary drinks.
Furthermore, yogurt has “live and active cultures,” which means that it has the healthy bacteria to help prevent stomach cancer and ulcers.
15. Oatmeal. Eating a bowl of oatmeal or oat bran a day can cut down your cholesterol by around 10 percent. Oats contain a spongy, soluble fiber called beta-glucan that sucks cholesterol in the intestines and throws them out of the body.
Studies suggest that oats may lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Furthermore, the dietary fiber in oats makes you feel more satisfied. Oats may slow down the rise in one’s blood sugar, thereby preventing food cravings. Just watch out for gassiness and bloating from too much oats.
16. Chicken without skin and turkey breast. Among meat products, chicken and turkey have one of the lowest amounts of fat in their bodies. Goose and duck (including Peking duck) have more fat compared to chicken and turkey.
Yes, removing the fat underneath the skin of the Peking duck helps. If you still want to reduce your fat intake further, you can choose chicken and turkey breast, and remove the skin.
17. Lean meat occasionally. If you can’t avoid eating pork or beef, just choose the lean parts. Pork fat is clearly separated from the meat, unlike beef fat, which is interspersed (or marbled) within the meat, making it harder to remove them.
The American Heart Association recommends eating no more than six ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry, fish or seafood a day (about the size of two decks of cards only per day).
The leanest beef cuts include sirloin, chuck, loin and round. Choose “choice” or “select” grades rather than “prime.” Select lean or extra lean ground meats. Lean pork cuts include tenderloin or loin chops. Try to remove all visible fat from meat before cooking.
18. Water. Drinking water before a meal helps make you feel fuller. In the same manner, you can take clear soup before a meal in order to fool your stomach into believing that you have eaten something already. Drink eight to 10 glasses of water a day, especially when you are trying to lose weight. Remember, water has zero calorie and will not make you fat.
On the other hand, there are seven food you should limit or avoid if you want to lose weight: 1) fried food which are high in fat; 2) doughnuts and pastries, high-calorie and high in sugar; 3) candy, chocolate and sweets, high-calorie and high in sugar; 4) soda, fruit drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages, high in sugar; 5) potato chips, high in fat and salt; 6) bacon, hot dogs and sausages, high in fat and preservatives; and 7) hamburgers, high in fat.
One final tip: Try to eat five to six small meals in a day to avoid hunger pangs. An apple or a banana can be considered a snack already. Along with regular exercise, try to choose more of these diet-friendly food to help you lose some weight.
Good luck!