Soul of China

張 (Tiu/Zhang) in the Philippines

More than 90 million Chinese carry the surname 張 (Tiu in Hokkien, Zhang in Mandarin). Together, they represent the third largest group in China with the same family name. The name carries with it more than 5,000 years of history, with intimate ties to both royalty and warfare. Its origin has to do with the […]


王 (Ong) in the Philippines

With a family tree that has stretched over 3,100 years, it is no wonder that the Chinese surname 王 (Ong in Hokkien, Wang in Mandarin) is the second most populous surname in China. More than 50 million people in China bear this surname. Furthermore, the migration of the Wang family to Fujian in the early […]

Chinese Culture

Chinese surnames

During the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), the book A Hundred Chinese Clan Names became popular. In it are collected all the Chinese surnames in use at that time, arranged in four-character lines of which all even-numbered ones are rhymed. Although there is no coherence in subject and no apparent connection between one line and the […]


What’s in a name?

Interest in genealogy or ancestral roots is growing worldwide. This is so true among the Chinese who continue to observe the tradition of honoring ancestors from the distant past. Ancestral shrines that proudly display the family lineage, listing forefathers and descendants of the same surname, are commonplace even in modern China. In response to the […]