The 楊 (Yu in Hokkien, Yang in Mandarin) clan is the eighth most populous in China.
The first 楊 in China was the youngest son of Emperor Zhou Xuan Wang (周宣王) of late Western Zhou (西周) Dynasty (11th century -771 BC) named Shang Fu (尚父). He was conferred the title and territory at 楊, a place in southeast of Hong Dong (洪洞), municipality of Sanxi province, and established the state 楊 and was known as Yang Hou (楊侯) or Marquis Yang .
Subsequently, his heirs used the name of the state as their surname. Those who carry the surname 楊 are heirs of Zhou emperor whose surname is 姬 (ji).
There are 15 楊 that became emperor or king in China’s history. In fact, the Sui (隋) dynasty (581-618 AD) was founded by emperor Sui Wen Di (隋文帝) Yang Jian (楊堅).

In the Philippines, a 楊 was founder of the first Chinese newspaper, 華報 (Hua Po in Hokkien), in 1888. His name was 楊滙溪 (Yu Hue Kue in Hokkien).
Yu Hue Kue was so outstanding at that time in the Chinese community because he mastered three languages: Chinese, Spanish and English. He was praised among fellow Chinese for being able to write in “three pens,” or three languages.
Yu became the financier of this first Chinese newspaper but also held many posts, including editor and translator. — First published in Tulay Fortnightly, Chinese-Filipino Digest 22, no. 19 (March 16-April 5, 2010): 5.