Tzu Chi Great Love City located in Codilla Land in Barangay Liloan, Ormoc City has 1,585 houses with 6,000 population. The houses were destroyed by Typhoon Yolanda. When the beneficiaries moved, they did not pay Tzu Chi a single centavo.They were provided with beds, blankets, groceries, rice. Most of the people there are farmers, tricycle drivers, construction workers, carpenters. The youth dream to be engineers, journalists, policemen, entrepreneurs, accountants but they believe it is not attainable because their parents cannot afford the financial burden.
But Tzu Chi opened scholarship programs at Great Love Village, which gave the youth hope that their dreams are attainable.
• Recycling at the Great Love Village. In 2018, the Ormoc Tzu Chi Youth volunteers collected recyclables around the village to help save Mother Earth. They also collect garbage for recycling at the Ormoc Cemetery during All Souls Day.
• Ormoc Tzu Chi Youth conducted home visits for the sick and the elderly in the village. They clean their homes, wash their clothes, bath them, cook for them, keep their surroundings clean.
• Kananga earthquake response. A three-story building collapsed in Kananga, Leyte on July 6, 2017 during the 6.5-magnitude earthquake. Tzu Chi started to build another Great Love Village, with 120 units of prefabricated shelters, in Barangay Sto. Niño in Kananga on May 21, 2018. The two-hectare land was donated by former Ormoc mayor Edward Codilla’s family.
They also organized donation drive for the benefit of earthquake victims in Taiwan and tsunami victims in Indonesia. While the Catholic churches like Fatima Church and Saint Peter and Paul Parish Church collected a share during mass, the Tzu Chi Youth organized a charity bazaar.
• Medical mission. Tzu Chi Youth volunteers searched the remotest areas of Ormoc City for 1,000 cataract patients. The mission resulted in the successful restoration of eyesight of 180 patients. Other cataract patients did not pass the preliminary examinations because of high blood pressure, tuberculosis, diabetis and other diseases.
Ormoc Tzu Chi Youth Report 2018