
Eat Red for your heart

Are you worried about your heart? Don’t feel blue. Go red, and eat red food for your heart. This novel idea comes from the American Heart Association, which recommends that men and women eat red-colored food to protect their hearts. However, America’s short list of red food includes cherries and pomegranates, which are rarities here […]


Xiangqi introduced to PH

Xiangqi (Chinese chess 中國象棋) has moves similar to western-style chess (國際象棋). The chessmen of xiangqi are written in Chinese characters whereas those of the western-style chess are carved as figures. Xiangqi is a game for all ages. It is played widely in Asian countries especially in China, where people play the game in public places, […]


Tan Lo Ping: Xiangqi Master of the Philippines

If anyone deserves to be recognized as the Father of Philippine Xiangqi or Xiangqi Master of the Philippines, it would be the late Tan Lo Ping (陳羅平), a self-taught xiangqi player who was pivotal in firmly establishing xiangqi as an official sport in the Philippines and introducing world-class xiangqi players formally into the World Xiangqi […]


Mt. Emei

The western part of China has many unique and breathtaking scenic areas. One of them is Mount Emei (峨眉山) in Sichuan province, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996. Mt. Emei is one of the four sacred Buddhist mountains of China (中國佛教四大名山). At 3,099 meters, it is the highest of these sacred mountains, […]


Roosters: Friday or Sunday? Lunar Chinese New Year 2017

When we ushered in the lunar new year last Jan. 28, popular media told us it was the year of the rooster, but in the Chinese language, we actually only say that it’s the year of the chicken – 雞年。 The chicken can be a hen or a rooster but I suppose in popular culture, […]